Want to Host a Workshop?
We are seeking proposals for WORKSHOPS! Workshop content should be generic and address significant technology, trends and business issues you feel would be of interest to owners and senior managers of alarm companies and integrators. We encourage you to build panels to make your program as strong as possible. There will be up to FOUR WORKSHOPS conducted at the same time, so content will be critical.
Email Brittany at brittany@azmhca.com to submit your proposal.
Stay A While in Arizona!
Plan on staying an extra day or so and enjoy Arizona in September! Hike or ride horseback through the Superstition Mountains (maybe find the Lost Dutchman’s Mine!), visit Goldfield Ghost Town, enjoy a drink at Tortilla Flats, spend a couple of hours touring Canyon Lake on the Dolly Steamboat or do a 1 or 2 day trip to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, or Tucson!