2024 AzAA Annual Convention
& Golf Tournament
September 18-19, 2024
The Arizona Alarm Association will be holding its 2024 Annual Convention on September 18-19, 2024 at the WeKoPa Resort located at 10438 WeKoPa Way in Fort McDowell, AZ.
Sponsor & Exhibitor Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor
- Logo Displayed on AzAA Facebook, & Throughout Convention
- Full Page Convention Program Ad
- Signage at Welcome Reception, Opening Session, & First Responders Luncheon
- Two Exhibit tables
- First Choice for Table Location
- Offer Two Technical Classes
- Golf Tournament: Two Foursomes. Includes Fees & Lunch
- Golf Sponsorship: One Hole
Gold Sponsor
- Logo Displayed on AzAA Facebook, & Throughout Convention
- 1/2 Page Convention Program Ad
- Signage at Welcome Reception, Opening Session, & First Responders Luncheon
- One Exhibit Table
- Second Choice for Table Location
- Offer One Technical Class
- Golf Tournament: One Foursome. Includes Fees & Lunch
- Golf Sponsorship: One Hole. Includes Signage.
Silver Sponsor
- Logo Displayed on AzAA Facebook, & Throughout Convention
- Quarter Page Convention Program Ad
- Signage at Welcome Reception, Opening Session, & First Responders Luncheon
- One Exhibit Table
- Third Choice for Table Location
- Offer One Technical Class
- Golf Tournament: Two Players. Includes Fees & Lunch
- Golf Sponsorship: One Hole. Includes Signage.
Golf Lunch Sponsor
- Logo Displayed on AzAA Facebook, & Throughout Convention
- Quarter Page Convention Program Ad
- Signage at Welcome Reception, Opening Session, & First Responders Luncheon
- One Exhibit Table
- Third Choice for Table Location
- Offer One Technical Class
- Golf Tournament: One Foursome. Includes Fees & Lunch
- Golf Sponsorship: One Hole. Includes Signage.
Bronze Sponsor
- Logo Displayed on AzAA Facebook, & Throughout Convention
- Business Card Convention Program Ad
- Signange at Welcome Reception, Opening Session, First Responders Appreciation Lunch
- One Exhibit Table
- AzAA Choice for Table Location
- Offer One Technical Class, Schedule Permitting
- Golf Tournament: None
- Golf Sponsorship: 1 hole
Exhibit Space Only (includes exhibit table, Convention Registration & Meals for one attendee) AzAA Members: $900 • Non-Members: $1,050
DON’T WAIT! Sponsor recognition begins upon payment. Prefer the Printed Sponsorhip Form? Click Here to Download the Form.
Want to Host a Workshop?
We are seeking proposals for WORKSHOPS! Workshop content should be generic and address significant technology, trends and business issues you feel would be of interest to owners and senior managers of alarm companies and integrators. We encourage you to build panels to make your program as strong as possible.  There will be up to FOUR WORKSHOPS conducted at the same time, so content will be critical.
Email Brittany at brittany@azmhca.com to submit your proposal.Â
Annual AzAA Golf Tournament
Date: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 Registration Time: 7:00am.
Tournament Time: 8:00am
Location: McDowell Mountain Golf Club, 10690 E. Sheena Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85255
Sponsor a hole: $200
Play golf: $195 per person
6:30 a.m. - 7:15 a.m.
Registration for Golf Tournament at McDowell Mountain Golf Club
10690 E. Sheena Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
7:30 a.m.
Golf Tournament, followed by Lunch at McDowell Mountain Golf Club
10690 E. Sheena Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85255
3:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Convention Registration at WeKoPa Resort - Foyer, 10438 N Ft McDowell Rd, Ft.
McDowell, AZ (State Route 87 - Beeline Highway - just 2 miles north of Shea Blvd)
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Visit Exhibitors! FREE! Join us for hors d’oeuvres and drinks and see what is new in the industry!
Please note - there is an additional charge of $45 per person for the Law Enforcement Appreciation Luncheon
8:00 am - 9:00 am
Registration - Foyer
8:00 am - 11:15 am
Exhibits Open (Rooms: Wassaja 109 & 110)
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Keynote Session (Room: Wassaja 111): From Alarms to AI: The Future of Proactive Protection - Cort Dixon of AvantGuard will present.
10:00 am - 10:45 am
Concurrent Sessions:
Update from the Arizona Board of Technical Registration (Room: Wassaja 107):BTR is the licensing agency for alarm companies and agents.
Fiber Infrastructure (Room: Wassaja 108) (See 11:15 am for related class)
National Update on Alarm Ordinances (Room: Conference Wing 104-105): Steve Keefer, SIAC, will present.
Dual Sim Technical Training by Tim Cahoon with Napco (Room: Wassaja 111)Â
10:45 am - 11:15 am
Visit Exhibits (Rooms: Wassaja 109 & 110)
11:15am - 12:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions:
Secrets of Successful Lead Generation (Room: Wassaja 107): Audrey Pierson of Audrey Pierson Consulting will present.
The Technician’s Tool Belt for Doing Fiber (Room: Wassaja 108): How to utilize fiber.
Public Safety Committee Meeting (Conference Wing 104-105): Jim Metz with Everon will lead the discussions.
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
First Responders Appreciation Luncheon (Room: Wassaja 111): AzAA thanks the Alarm Coordinators, Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs who work with us.
Hotel Information
About The WeKoPa Resort
We have a room block reserved for September 14 - 21, 2024 with a group rate of $189.00 plus tax for up to 2 people (current tax rate is 13.92%, subject to change) and the hotel has waived the $29 per day resort fee, which includes valet parking, 24-hour fitness and business centers, wireless hi-speed internet, bottled water refreshed daily and in-room coffee. There will be an additional $10 per day charge per person for a third and fourth person in the room. Check-in is at 4:00 pm and check-out is at 11:00 am. The Resort is a smoke-free resort.
To reserve your room, call 480-789-5300 or 844-493-5672 and be sure to say you are with Arizona Alarm Association 2024 Annual Convention! Reservations must be made August 27, 2024 for this rate and a cancellation requires 72 hours of notice prior to the scheduled arrival to avoid late cancellation charges.
Stay A While in Arizona!
Plan on staying an extra day or so and enjoy Arizona in September! Hike or ride horseback through the Superstition Mountains (maybe find the Lost Dutchman’s Mine!), visit Goldfield Ghost Town, enjoy a drink at Tortilla Flats, spend a couple of hours touring Canyon Lake on the Dolly Steamboat or do a 1 or 2 day trip to the Grand Canyon, Sedona, or Tucson!